Friday, May 2, 2014

blog #6

Walking down the street of the shopping plaza in my neighborhood as a child was fun. Shopping with my parents, the little Mickey Mouse rides for only a quarter. It was always fun to just walk there on a Sunday. But one store always catches your attention and that would be Bath & Body Works. The aroma of that store just smells so good. Since I was young my bother bought lotion and soaps from there. As I got older I did the same. Body sprays, lotions, hand sanitizers, lip glosses. Everything just smells so delightful. The production line that I use the most is a lotion and body spray called Moonlight Path. The smell sort of reminds me of baby powder. The fragrances make me feel like I smell really good. I like when I use the lotion and someone close to me smells it in the air and says “ Oh that smells really good”. Hearing those words make me feel good.

I like to read. I read all sorts of books. When I was around fourteen years old I ran across a book in a Barnes and Nobles in Union Square. The book was Burned by Ellen Hopkins. The cover of the book caught my attention, but when I opened it, it was like every page was a poem. I like the style of how the author writes. Every page was a poem, specifically arranged so that each sentence, word, kept you on the edge of your seat. I purchased the book. Still until this day I still buy and read her books. I love how she writes about real situations that go on in the life of teenagers today. Whether its rape, domestic violence or drug abuse, her books could help you relate to the situation. I enjoy reading her stories, reading what she has to say. The essence of how she describes the details of every affair. I buy her novels, each collection, pass them down to my younger cousin and then I buy and reread them again. And it never fails each time I read a certain book I feel the same sort of excitement.